ICAR/14 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The purpose of the Studio is to guide the student to to understand and practice the urban and architectural design. The course aims to provide students with an operational methodology to tackle the urban and architectural design.. The aim of the course is that students acquire a project method capable of tackling different issues and topics. The urban contest is understood not so much and not only as a support on which to intervene but rather as a "place of relationships in which each part is not comprehensible if not in relation to a whole that is in turn integrated into a larger whole". These concepts will be developed trough lectures and design exercises. A final design essay will be the moment of synthesis and verification of the proposed Studio.
According to the Dublin Descriptors (DdD), passing the exam certifies the acquisition of the following results:

DdD 1 knowledge and understanding

DdD 2 ability to apply knowledge and understanding

DdD 3 (autonomy of judgment), 4 (communication skills) and 5 (learning ability)

Course Structure

The teaching will take place with ex cathedra lessons and with the development of an application project on a study area.

Detailed Course Content

In the first semester we will proceed to a basic preparation on the fundamentals of the urban and architectural design through lessons and elementary exercises. In the following semester a final project will be elaborated which, starting from the hypotheses illustrated above, proposes a strategy, defines some scenarios, and the elements of a coherent conceptualization developing measured and technically controlled project actions. By strategy we mean the predisposition of some inter-related moves also belonging to different levels of reflection; by scenario we mean the formulation of hypotheses on future transformations and their possible consequences; by conceptualization we mean an effort of abstraction which, coming out from a logic of problem solving, evaluates the general implications of the issues addressed; project actions mean the representation on an appropriate scale of interventions that modify the physical state of the places. Strategy, scenarios, conceptualizations and actions are not to be understood as operations aligned within a deductive process: although it may be useful to question some possible scenarios before designing specific actions, the different operations maintain considerable independence, while evaluating the relationships established between the various operations and hypotheses; each of them requires to choose within different types of descriptions and surveys, within different forms of representation and the use of different scales: as a whole these operations constitute the urban and architectural design.

Textbook Information

Essential Bibliography

  1. M. Lupano, L. Emanueli , M. Navarra, Lo-Fi - Architecture as curatorial practice, Marsilio, Venezia 2010;
  2. R. Koolhaas, Junkspace. Per un ripensamento radicale dello spazio urbano, Quodlibet, Macerata 1999.
  3. M. Navarra, In WalkaboutCITY. Il paesaggio riscritto. Un parco lineare tra Caltagirone e Piazza Armerina,, Biblioteca del Cenide, Villa S. Giovanni 2002.
  4. M. Navarra, Repairingcities. La riparazione come strategia di “sopravvivenza”, Lettera Ventidue Siracusa 2008.
  5. M. Navarra, Terre Fragili, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa 2017.
  6. M. Navarra, Le città di Robert Adam, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa 2018.


Analytical Bibliography


BENNET Jane, Vibrant Matter, Duke University Press, Durham and London 2010

CACHE Bernard, Earth Moves, The MIT Press, Cambridge 1995

COLOMINA, B., WIGLEY, M., Are We Human? Notes on an Archaeology of Design, Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich 2019

DE LANDA Manuel, Mille anni di storia non lineare.Rocce, germi e parole, Instar libri, Torino 2003

DE LANDA Manuel, Assemblage Theory, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2016

DELEUZE Gilles, GUATTARI Felix, Millepiani. Capitalismo e schizofrenia, Castelvecchi, Roma 2006

DE SOLà-MORALES Manuel, A Matter of Things, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 2008

DIAMOND Jared, Armi, acciaio e malattie. Beve storia del mondo negli ultimi tredicimila anni, Einaudi, Torino 2014

HARAWAY Donna, CHTHULUCENE. Sopravvivere su un pianeta infetto, Produzioni Nero, Roma 2019

GUATTARI Felix, Le tre ecologie, Edizioni Sonda, Casale Monferrato 2013 (1991)

LATOUR Bruno, Non siamo mai stati moderni, Eleuthera, Milano 1995

LATOUR Bruno with LECLERCQ Christophe (edited by), Reset Modernity!, The MIT Press, Cambridge 2016

MORTON Timothy, IPEROGGETTI. Filosofia ed ecologia dopo la fine del mondo, Produzioni Nero, Roma 2018

MORTON Timothy, Noi, esseri ecologici, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2018

MORTON Timothy, Dark ecology. For a Logic of Future Coexistence, Columbia University Press, New York 2016

Convivialità/Beni Comuni

ATELIER BOW-WOO, Architectural Ethnography, SternbergPress, Berlin 2017

ILLICH Ivan, La convivialità, red!, Milano 2005

ILLICH Ivan, Genere. Per una critica storica dell’uguaglianza, Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza 2013

ILLICH Ivan, elogio della bicicletta, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Torino 2006

TSUKAMOTO Yoshiharu, KAIJIMA Momoyo, Atelier Bow-wow: Behaviorology, Rizzoli International Publisher, New York 2016


BRYANT LOGAN William, Oak: The Frame of Civilization, W W Norton & Co Inc; Reprint edizione (25 agosto 2006)

LAUREANO Pietro, La Piramide rovesciata. Il modello dell’oasi per il pianeta Terra, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Torino 2013

SCHAMA Simon, Landscape and Memory, Alfred a Knopf Inc, New York 1995

SERENI Emilio, Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Laterza, Bari 1961

THOREAU Henry David, Walden: vita nel bosco, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014

VANDERGOOT Jana, Architecture and the Forest Aesthetic. A New Look at Design and Resilient Urbanism, Taylor&Francis, New York 2017

Caltagirone e il Bosco di Santo Pietro

AA.VV. Caltagirone, Sellerio, Palermo 1977

AA.VV., Le Querce da sughero della R.N.O.”Bosco di Santo Pietro”. Bio-ecologia, economia e produzione, Fondo Siciliano per la Natura, Catania 2006

AA.VV., I Boschi di Santo Pietro. Caltagirone, W.W.F., Caltanisetta 1989

CAMILLERI Andrea, Privo di titolo, Sellerio, Palermo 2005

COLOMBA Giuseppe, Mussolinia. La saga delle beffe, Bonfirraro,Editore, Enna 2011

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