The course develops competences in Medical Ethics and Legal Medicine with particular reference to the study of analytical protocols of the main aspects of forensic pathology with particular reference to: Forensic Traumatology, Asphyxiology, Forensic Toxicology, Thanatology and crime scene investigations.
Acquisition of information relevant to the exercise of the profession under the normative-legal and ethical profile with reference to consequences in criminal and civil law.
Acquisition of knowledge of the general problems of medico-legal interest on terms of correct methodology. Acquisition of basic knowledge to be applied to investigations of various areas of Forensic Medicine. Acquisition of the basal technical elements, even analytical, for the forensic diagnosis of acute and chronic poisoning.
The aim of the course is to provide information and knowledge about workplace-related pathologies (accidents and illnesses) as well as to become familiar with prevention principles, with particular reference to risk assessment and preventive measure adoption.
Students will have to learn methods and techniques to collect work history, identify environmental and occupational risks and possible relationships with genetic, demographic, socio-economic, psychological and cultural factors, related to health or illness statuses, as well as to look into the possible non-specific effects of occupational risk factors, especially for degenerative chronic diseases.
The main etiologically diagnostic aspects of occupational medicine will be dealt with, and so will the epidemiology of con-causally work-related diseases. Also, the most frequent professional diseases and work accidents will be classified. The main analysis method and work risk assessment instruments will be provided, that is limit exposure levels, environmental/biological monitoring and healthcare surveillance. Also, occupational risk in/formation, safety and health law guidelines in work places, primary and secondary prevention of occupational diseases, role and duties of the competent physician will be discussed.
Offer an overview of the conceptual bases and research advances of psychological science. Training to a bio-psycho-social approach in medicine. Health and illness imply a variety of psychological aspects that concern, beyond the patient, the health worker too.
The course consists of a series of lectures
Frontal lesson, experiential exercise.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Frontale lesson, experiential exercise.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Notes on Penal Law: crime, imputability, causation. Civil capacity (legal capacity and capacity to act, interdiction, disqualification, etc).Diagnosis of death. Report of the causes of death. Regulations of mortuary Police. Time of death and thanatological changes of corpse. Notes on pathology: injuries from blunt instruments; stab injuries; injuries from fire-arm; electrical injuries; asphyxia (suffocation, hanging, strangulation, constriction, drowning). Forensic Toxicology: diagnosis of poisoning; CO poisoning; alcoholism and drug addiction; legislation on drugs. Degrees of murder. Crimes of beating and personal injury. Crime of sexual violence. Abortion. Material causation and law regulations. Chain of material causation. Imputability. The professional medical liability. Informed consent. Medical record; medical certification. Medical Report to Public Prosecutor’s Office. Compulsory treatment order. Legal advice to the Office of Public Prosecutions. Medical Deontology. Professional secrecy. Professional responsibility.
History and evolution of Occupational Medicine: prevention service legislation and organization; work accidents and professional diseases insurance practices. Risk assessment procedure; exposure times and limit levels/values.
Primary and secondary prevention principles. Healthcare surveillance and duties of competent physician. Biological monitoring procedures. General and individual preventive practices and first aid action organization. Biological risk and vaccinations. Physical risks: noise, vibrations, ionizing-non-ionizing radiations, microclimate and compressed atmosphere. Ergonomy principles: postures and work. Workstation, shift and night work risks. Assessment of risks in manual loads handling and in repetitive movements of upper limbs with associated pathologies. Organizational wellness and its associated work stress. Health promotion in working places.
Main dust/fibre and professional allergene exposure–related pathologies; indoor and outdoor pollutants. Exposure risks to chemical, mutagen and carcenogenic agents.
Principles of Industrial Hygiene and hints of Statistics. Risks in the main working cycles. Guidelines on safety and health in working places.