The course is designed to provide students with a good foundation of knowledge in all aspects of Clinical Biochemistry. Introducing the fundamentals of instrumentation and methodology in the clinical chemistry and biochemistry laboratory medicine, lectures will cover urinalysis testing procedures and associated disease entities, as well as analysis of other body fluids. Clinical testing using automated and manual methods, measurement of pancreatic function and intestinal absorption, renal and liver function, enzymes, electrolytes, blood gases, lipids, toxicology, urinalysis, endocrinology, neurological, dysmetabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
The course develops skills in the Clinical Pathology aiming to teach the student to apply, evaluate and interpret the laboratory tests used to study of the main diseases of the blood, alterations of the coagulative-fibrinolytic system, changes in liver and kidney function, some endocrinopathies, dyslipidemia, myocardial infarction, autoimmune diseases and cancer.
Knowledge of the basic of human pathology, in particular cellular, morphological, immunophenotypical and molecular alterations of inflammatory , immune and neoplastic diseases. Organization of the laboratory of pathology, in particular methods of histo-cytopathology, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology
frontal teaching, elaboration and individual study
The lessons are held in the classroom with the help of PDF presentations made available to students on the Studium portal. The presentations do not replace the reference texts, but serve as educational support for the program carried out. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Frontal teaching.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
1) The use of laboratory data in clinical practice
2) Analysis of Urine
3) Biochemistry of nutrition
4) Liver function and Hepatitis tests
5) Blood cell count
6) Diabetes mellitus
7) Hypoglycemia
8) Free radicals in the physiology and in the pathology
9) Metabolism of ethanol and the pathology of alcoholism
10) Tumor markers
11) Notes on antiaging medicine.
Laboratory analysis: definition, typology
Collection and conservation of biological samples
Preanalytical, analytical and biological variability
Complete blood count test
Plasma proteins and electrophoresis
Hemostasis test
Blood groups and compatibility testing
Urine analysis and functional kidney test
The functional liver and viral hepatitis tests
Diabetes: diagnosis and follow up test
Autoimmune disease test
Techniques and diagnostic methodology in surgical Pathology.
Purpose of the autopsy diagnostic.
Purposes, indications and limits of the intraoperative examination.
Indications to the various types of biopsy.
Request for histopathological investigation.
Diagnostic cytology.
Application of immunohistochemistry and molecular biology techniques in anatomical and pathological diagnostics.
Cell damage.
Cellular response to stress.
Reversible and irreversible cell damage.
Cell response to ischemia.
Molecular mechanisms of cell death.
Coagulative necrosis, colliquative, caseous, gummy, hemorrhagic, fatty and fibrinoid.
Proliferation disorders and cell differentiation: hyperplasia, metaplasia and neoplasia.
The cell cycle.
The neoplasm: benign vs malignant.
Prenoplastic lesions: in situ dysplasia and neoplasm.
Morphological aspects of invasiveness and metastasis.
Histological degree of malignancy.
Staging (TNM system).
Nomenclature and classification of neoplasms.
Molecular definition of neoplasms.
Inflammation and pathology of the immune system.
Acute and chronic inflammation.
Primitive and secondary immunodeficiencies.
Histological alterations of lymph nodes and primary and peripheral lymphatic tissues.
Histological aspects of infectious complications of immunodeficiencies: bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoal infections.
Neoplasms associated with immunodeficiencies.
Organ-specific autoimmune diseases (S.Sjogren, S.Goodpasture, M.Graves) and systemic diseases (LES, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma).
The rejection of transplants.
Medicina di Laboratorio, G. Federici (Autore), – Mc GrawHill Medicina di laboratorio.
Medicina di Laboratorio. La diagnosi di malattia nel laboratorio clinico, M. Laposata (Autore) - Piccin
Medicina di Laboratorio. Logica e patologia clinica, I. Antonozzi, E. Gulletta (Autori) - Piccin
Medicina dell'Aging e dell'Antiaging. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra
Nutrigenomica e Epigenetica. V. Calabrese et al. (Autori) - Edra
1. Federici G. Medicina di Laboratorio. Mc Graw-Hill Companies
2. Sacchetti L., Cavalcanti P. et. al. Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica genetica. Sorbona
2. Laposata M. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
3. Antonozzi I. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
5. Balestrieri et al. Diagnostica Molecolare nella Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
A.Scarpa, L.Ruco - Anatomia patologica. Le basi
Gallo-D’Amati - Anatomia Patologica Sistematica.