Background in scienze politiche, economia, relazioni internazionali, diritto, sociologia, lingue
A Brief History of Economic Development and introduction to Sustainable Development
- The age of modern growth
- Why some countries developed
- Present inequalities
- Limits to growth and Planet Boundaries
- Climate Change
- Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sustainable Sevelopment Goals (SDGs)
A Brief History of Development Aid
- Evolution
- Aid and its discontents
- Actors in development Aid: Governments, Non-governmental Organizations, Foundations, private sector
Migration and Economic Development
- Highlights, facts
- Remittances
- Regional corridors
- Push and pull factors
- Migration hump
- Migration bands
- Impact of remittances and migration on the economy of sending and receiving countries
- Political issues in Migration
Migrants’ Integration Issues, Co-development (how to promote migrants' role in the development of their countries of origin)
- The Migration for Development Programme of the International Organization for Development
- Trés por Uno (Mexico experience)
- The Italian experience, MIDA (Migration for Development Africa)
Circular and Return Migration: an Introduction
- Concepts
- Seasonal schemes
Co-development: case studies
- How to diminish the cost of sending money home
- Financial inclusion and education,
- The importance of communication on migration issues at home and in the receiving countries
- Community projects, migrants as entrepreneurs at home
Circular migration: OECD National experiences in promoting circular, return migration, seasonal/temporary migration schemes
- Canada
- Netherlands
- Denmark
- Australia
- New Zealand
- France
- Spain
- Italy
- Germany
Summing up: Issues on Migration at Country level
- Country studies:
- Issues (land, credit, etc)
Environmental migration : Causes of environmental migration, institutional and legal issues
- Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in the Mediterranean and Middle East Region
- Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in Africa
- Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in the Asia-Pacific region
- Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in Latin America
- Definition of climate-environmental refugee (Geneva Convention, etc). Number of displaced people. Is there protection of environmental migrants- displaced persons? Issues and examples
Social remittances
- Definition
- Issues
- Examples
Readmissions Agreements (voluntary return, forced return , development aid packages to promote return)
- Main issues
- European policies
- Examples of Readmissions Agreements
- Political/economic/financial issues
Trafficking and smuggling of people
- Main issues
- European policies
- The economics of trafficking and smuggling
- Political issues
Environmental and Economic Migration and the Theories of International relations: Realism, Liberal Institutionalism and Constructivism.
- The Migration Compact and The Refugee Compact
- Interpretation of the Compacts according to the Realists Theory of International Relations
- Interpretation according to the Institutional Theory
- Interpretation according to the Constructivist Theory
International Action on Migration:
- La Valletta - EU Trust Fund for Africa
- Migration Compact implementation actions
Actors in Migration:
- WB
- Medecins Sans frontiers
- Oxfam
- Other International non Governmental Organizations
- Other
How to get a job in Humanitarian aid?
- Should one study International Development, Public Health, Environmental studies, or Political Science, Media, Languages, etc?
- An illustration of the myriad of careers and specialism available within the sector and of the pros and cons of each option
Career development Work in a UN Organization:
- Type of jobs:
- Resource mobilization (with public sector)
- Resource mobilization (individual)
- Partnerships with private sector, Corporate Social Responsibility
- Professional skills required
- Practical examples of work, students analysis of partnerships with corporations, screening of potential private sector partners for a UN organization, national and international NGOs
- Readings:
Agreements between UN and corporations, INGO, NGOs, will be provided for students’ analysis
Career development
- Interviews simulations with students
Readings- Mandatory From the web:
- World Migration Report IOM 2018-19 Capitoli specifici verranno indicati. Scaricabile dal sito della International Organization for Migration
Mandatory, to be distributed
- Migration and Development, Hot Topics and Recommendations for National and International Action, Manola Sorg, GLOPEM 2017
- Co-managing Economic Migration Flows and Promoting the Investment of Remittances for Development - Policy Tools Available to Development Agencies, European Institutions, Governments Maurizio Malogioglio, GLOPEM 2018
- Is migration a threat or an opportunity for both origin and destination countries?GLOPEM 2018
- Policies to harness the potential of economic migration, Maurizio Malogioglio, GLOPEM 2019
Additional readings, Not mandatory, but useful for deeper understanding
- World Migration Report 2015-2016-2017. Can be downloaded from the site of the International Organization for Migration
- Martin: The Global Challenge of Managing Migration, 2013.
Final examination:
- Short paper 3-5 pages, by all students on main implementation issues in selected Readmission Agreements (political, economic, etc). Students choose one or two.
- Short Paper 2-3 pages, by all students on Debate in Europe on economic migrants’ quotas, foreign labor needs (political, economic, practical, etc)