M-GGR/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Frontal lectures and field investigations concerning the issues addressed.

Detailed Course Content

General geographical knowledge, study on the development of Cultural Geography and active protection of cultural heritage in Europe, with particular focus on Italy and Sicily.

Population, migration, agriculture, industry, services, economy and environment, urbanization, sustainable development, globalisation and glocalisation.

Cultural geography: the origins of cultural geography, The three schools of cultural geography. The crisis of cultural geography, the Cultural Studies, the New Cultural Geography.

The Sicilian landscapes, the geohistory of Sicily

Textbook Information

Bonazzi A., Manuale di Geografia Culturale, Laterza 2012 (2 CFU), pp. 200.

Greiner A. L., Dematteis G., Lanza C., Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Utet 2019, pp. 300 (3 CFU)

Famoso N., Sorbello M., La Ferla V., Places of Sicily. Geostoria, CUECM, Catania 2016, vol. 1, p. 75-123

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