INF/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Teaching will be carried out through lectures (for a total of 54 hours) during which the contents of the course will be presented, also through practical demonstrations. In addition, the students will have at his disposal a learning platform through which it will be possible to practice during their home-study and self-evaluate themselves on the contents of the course. The same platform provides a valid tool for the exam preparation.

Detailed Course Content

Main topics of the theoretical part of the course are as follows: the formalization of the concept of information; architecture and features of modern processing systems and operating systems; techniques and strategies of backup and recovery systems; principles of free software and open source; history and evolution of video games; topology and structure of modern computer networks; history and evolution of the Internet, the World Wide Web and correlated services; principles of data security and secret communication;

The course focuses also on practical aspects of visual programming.

Textbook Information

Introduzione all'informatica e al trattamento dell'informazione, by Simone Faro, interactive e-book, available on ClassBooks (, class code 54021)

Giochi, algoritmi ed intelligenza: introduzione all'elaborazione dell'informazione, by Simone Faro, interactive e-book, available on ClassBooks (, class code 54021)

Introduzione a Internet e alla cultura digitale, by Simone faro, interactive e-book, available on ClassBooks (, class code 54021)

Sicurezza informatica ed elementi di crittografia, by Simone Faro, interactive e-book, available on ClassBooks (, class code 54021)

Imparare a programmare con Scratch, by Maurizio Boscarini e Marco Beri, available in Kindle format on Amazon.

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