L-OR/22 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Frontal instruction.

Listening/Audiovisual Comprehension.

Oral and written exercises with a japanese native speaker.

Detailed Course Content

Morfologia, sintassi e lessico della lingua giapponese. Traduzioni di brani letterari, testi di canzoni e manga.

Oral and written exercises with a japanese native speaker.

Textbook Information

1) Minna no Nihongo - Shokyū 1, Honsatsu, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 1998, pp. 1- 171 (Unit 1-20).

2) Minna no Nihongo - Shokyū 1, Traduzioni e note grammaticali; Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 2013, pp. 1-129 (Unit 1-20).


Texts / handouts adopted by the japanese teacher:

1) Minna no Nihongo - Shokyū 1, Honsatsu, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 1998, pp. 1- 171 (Unit 1-20).

2) Minna no Nihongo - Shokyū 1, Kanji renshūchō, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 1998, pp. 1-76 (Unit 1-20).

3) Minna no Nihongo - Shokyū 1, Hyōjun mondai-shū, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 1999, (Unit 1-20).

4) Tomomatsu Etsuko, Waguri Masako, Shokyū Nihongo bunpō sō matome Point 20, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, 2004.

5) Banno Eri, Ikeda Yoko, Ohno Yutaka, Shinagawa Chikako, Takahashi Kyoko, Shokyū Nihongo – Genki 1, Japan Times, 2011.

6) Banno Eri, Ikeda Yoko, Ohno Yutaka, Shinagawa Chikako, Takahashi Kyoko, Shokyū Nihongo – Genki 2, Japan Times, 2011.


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