Lectures with analysis and discussion of some of the topics reported in the syllabus; tutorials on a selection of topics.
The module covers the following topics. The method of the ethics of human conditions, in particular ethics of care related to other philosophical disciplines and natural and human sciences. The concept of difference as a reflection on the human identity and its relations. The aim is to identify the risk of creating an enemy with the intent to protect an identity unable to offer an authentic ethical recognition. It follows a reflection on the concept of care as a philosophical category to re-think of human behaviour as complex and multidirectional. |
M. de Montaigne, Saggi, (dal Libro I il 22, il 26, il 30, il 31, il 42. Dal libro II il 12).
M. Buber, Il principio dialogico ed altri saggi, Milano, San Paolo, 2014, 336 p.
M. Buber, E. Lévinas, G. Marcel, Il mito della relazione, a cura di F. Riva, Roma, Castelvecchi editore, 2016, 221 p.
A. Papa, Tu sei il mio nemico, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2013 (pp. 73-176).
A. Papa, L’identità esposta. La cura come questione filosofica, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2014 (140p).