L-ART/05 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to tackle performative projects that develop digital dramaturgy using light as a basic material for digital media. These are shows that process overlaps between virtual and real, in line with the limit breaker between genres and expressive languages, even in total absence of bodies and words.

In particular, the course will start from the videoteatro and - through reading the case studies - it will examine the most recent installations of Video Projection Mapping. These works will analyze the existing relationships between video and scenic location, identifying the differences between real space and virtual space, between augmented reality and interactive spectacularity. In particular, this latest technology allows, through an exclusively iconic and sonorous language, to dynamically and virtually modify the surface of urban architecture and spaces, enhancing its figurative potential, appropriating history, recording deep traces in collective memory through a process of reading and acceptance of places, in full agreement with the established theories of the theater of the '900.

Textbook Information

-Video-teatro, new media, performing media (3 CFU):

A. Pizzo, Neodrammatico digitale. Scena multimediale e racconto interattivo, Torino, Accademia University Press, 2013, pp. 2-22.

J. Malvezzi, Remedi-Action. Dieci anni di videoteatro italiano, Milano, Postmediabooks, 2015, pp.127.

A.M. Monteverdi, Il teatro di Robert Lepage, Biblioteca Franco Serantini, Pisa 2005, pp. 11-141.


-Teatro di luce. Nuove tecnologie della visione. Casi Studio (3 CFU):

F. Crisafulli, Luce attiva. Questioni della luce nel teatro contemporaneo, Titivillus, 2007, pp. 7-88; 129-171.

N. Pittaluga, V. Valentini, Studio Azzurro, Teatro, Contrasto, 2012, pp.6-67.

P. Gaglianò, Architetture di luce. Il Teatro Architettura di Giancarlo Cauteruccio/Kripton, Titivillus, 2014, pp. 5-31.

V. Fiore, L. Ruzza, Luce artificiale e paesaggio urbano. Raccontare il territorio con nuove tecnologie, LetteraVentidue, 2012, pp.153.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library and on the platform STUDIUM.

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