L-ART/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

Students will obtain tools for analyzing any audiovisual sequence and the skills to produce short videos:

– Technical and aesthetic analysis of audiovisual sequences

– Reproducing audiovisual representation

– Technical analysis exercise

Detailed Course Content

– audiovisual language

– analyze an audiovisual sequence

– write an audiovisual sequence

– shoot an audiovisual sequence

Textbook Information

A Technique (6 CFU)


– A. De Filippo, Ombre, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno Editore 2010, pp. 203;

– A. Licciardello, Il cinema laboratorio di Alberto Grifi, Alessandria, Falsopiano, 2017, pp. 199;

– MOOC di Tecnica della rappresentazione audiovisiva, disponibile sul sito www.zammumultimedia.it (24 lezioni).

Proiezione e analisi di sequenze audiovisive.

B The Show and the Audience (2 CFU).


– F. Casetti, La galassia Lumière. Sette parole chiave per il cinema che viene, Milano, Bompiani, 2015, pp. 5-275

C Transmediality (1 CFU).


– L. Raffaelli (a cura di), Cinema e Fumetto, Silvana Editoriale – Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, Torino, 2019, pp.112


The outlines of all lectures will be found on the platform STUDIUM.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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