L-FIL-LET/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

A - The arts in the Byzantine world: historical profile

B - Contexts, iconography, forms, destinations and functions of the work of art in the Byzantine culture, from the capital to the territory of the empire

Textbook Information

A – 3 CFU

E. Concina, Le arti di Bisanzio, Milano 2002 pp.1-380

M. Gallina, L’impero d’Oriente, in Arti e storia nel Medioevo. I. Tempi Spazi Istituzioni, a cura di E. Castelnuovo e G. Sergi, Torino 2002, pp. 93-120

A. Cutler, Artisti e modelli a Bisanzio, Ibidem, pp. 701-728


We also recommend consulting:

A. Cutler – J.-M. Spieser, Byzance médiévale. 700-1204, Paris 1996


R. Cormack, Byzantine Art, second edition,,Oxford 2018


Parts of this module will be held by dr.Giulia Arcidiacono.


B - 3 CFU

H. Belting, Bild und Kult. Eine Geschichte des Bildes vor dem Zeitalter der Kunst, München 1990 (trad. it. Il culto delle immagini. Storia dell'icona dall'età imperiale al tardo Medioevo, Roma 2001)

B.V. Pentcheva, Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006 (trad. it. Icone e potere: la madre di Dio a Bisanzio, Milano 2010, pp. 9-257)

B.V. Pentcheva, Hagia Sophia and Multisensory Aesthetics, in “Gesta”, 50/2, 2011, pp. 51–69 ( )

B.V. Pentcheva, Hagia Sophia: Sound, Space, and Spirit in Byzantium, Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2017 (

C. Jolivet-Lévy, La Cappadoce médiévale. Images et spiritualité, St. Léger Vauban 2001 (trad. it. L’Arte della Cappadocia, Milano 2001, pp. 13-392)

C. Jolivet-Lévy, Images et espace cultuel à Byzance : l’exemple d’une église de Cappadoce (Karli Kilise, 1212), in Le sacré et son inscription dans l’espace à Byzance et en Occident, a cura di M. Kaplan, Paris 2001, pp. 163-181

T. Velmans, L’Image byzantine ou la transfiguration du réel. L’espace, le temp, les hommes, la mort, les doctrines, Paris 2009 (trad. it. La visione dell’invisibile. L’immagine bizantina o la trasfigurazione del reale. Lo spazio, il tempo, gli uomini, la morte, le dottrine, Milano 2009, pp. 9-170)


For module B the student will choose essays for the number of pages of text (150 c. or 100 c. if in foreign language) provided for each cfu.

Parts of this module will be carried out in coordination with the teaching of History of medieval art advanced course

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