The course aims at providing the students with the technical and scientifc bases needed to evaluate the energy performance of buildings and their technical systems, and to perform the sizing and the preliminary design of the different components (e.g. radiators, distribution networks, heat generators and security components).
To this aim, the course will show the most recent technologies for the energy efficiency of buildings and technical systems, and the corresponding sizing approach. The course will also deal with passive and active strategies for space heating and cooling, including solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. Indoor air quality and thermal comfort will also be thoroughly discussed. These background will allow the students to address the energy certification of buildings and their dynamic energy simulation, in order to verify the compliance with the most recent and strict regulations.
All course contents will be presented through traditional lectures.
A first assisted exercise will deal with the dynamic energy simulation of buildings. The students (organized in groups of two people) will perform the dynamic energy simulation of a residential building, in order to assess the energy needs for space heating and cooling, as well as the indoor thermal comfort conditions. After evaluating the performance of the building in its current configuration, the students will propose and discuss suitable renovation strategies. The results will be commented in a final report.
A second assisted exercise will deal with Energy Certification and the sizing of the heating systems. The students will generate the Energy Performance Certificate for the same residential building already considered during the first period, and will perform the sizing of the main components of the heating system.
The students will mainly use the lecture notes prepared and distributed by the lecturer. These include all the slides commented by the lecturer, but also technical sheets, regulations and spreadsheets, whose consultation is highly recommended. The students may also consult the following books for a deepened study of single topics: :
1. A. CAPOZZOLI, V. CORRADO, A. GORRINO, P. SOMA, Atlante nazionale dei ponti termici – conforme alle norme UNI EN ISO 14683 e UNI EN ISO 10211. Ed. Edilclima, 2011.
2. A. MAGRINI, M. OZEL-BALLOT, La ventilazione per una migliore qualità dell’aria. 2ed, EPC libri, 2005.
3. V. RAISA, Teoria e tecnica della ventilazione. Ed. Delfino, 2010
4. G. MONCADA LO GIUDICE, M. COPPI, Benessere termico e qualità dell’aria. Ed. Masson, 1997
5. G. ALFANO, F.R. D’AMBROSIO, G. RICCIO, La valutazione delle condizioni termoigrometriche negli ambienti di lavoro: confort e sicurezza. Ed. CUEN, 1997
6. F. GROPPI, G. ZUCCARO, Impianti solari fotovoltaici a norme CEI. Ed. Delfino, 2010
7. R. BARUFFA, A. BRUSCHI, Acustica nei componenti edilizi. Dati sperimentali e criteri di scelta nati dall’esperienza di laboratorio. Ed. Dario Flaccovio, 2010.
8. AA. VV. Manuale di acustica edilizia. Ed. ANIT, 2011
9. C. PIZZETTI, Condizionamento dell’aria e refrigerazione. Teoria e calcolo degli impianti. Parte seconda. III ED, CEA, 1980 (Cap. 17, 18)
10. N. ROSSI, Manuale del termotecnico. Fondamenti. Riscaldamento. Condizionamento. Refrigerazione. Ed. Hoepli (IMPIANTI TERMICI)
11. A. BRIGANTI, Manuale di climatizzazione. Ed. Tecniche Nuove (Cap. 7, 8, 9)-
12. N. ASTE, F. GROPPI, Impianti solari termici. Manuale per ingegneri, architetti, installatori. Ed. Delfino, 2007.
13. V. BEARZI, Manuale di energia solare. Ed. Tecniche Nuove, 2012 (Cap. 5-6, 10-11)
14. N. LUPICA SPAGNOLO, L. LUPICA SPAGNOLO, Manuale del certificatore energetico. Ed. Maggioli, 2012
15. V. CORRADO, S. PADUOS, La nuova legislazione sull'efficienza energetica degli edifici. Requisiti e metodi di calcolo. Ed. CELID, 2010
16. K. FABBRI, Prestazione energetica degli edifici. I metodi di calcolo secondo le norme UNI TS 11300. Ed. DEI, 2010
17. E. LUCCHI, Diagnosi energetica strumentale degli edifici. Ed. Flaccovio, 2012
The students can sonsult the following textbooks and guidelines: