Provide the medical student with the opportunity to attend an internal medicine department. The student, assigned to our department, will have the possibility to access both the activity of the ward (ordinary hospitalization), both the daily activity of Day hospital and the outpatient activity. In this condition the student will be able to see directly how pathologies of internal interest are managed, both in outpatient management and in hospitalization. The student of the sixth year, among the educational objectives, will have the opportunity to verify their theoretical and practical skills acquired during the degree course by creating the possibility of opening the real patient for the main procedures allowed to the student.
The student assigned to our department will follow the tutor (teaching holder) during the visit to the ward, or during the shifts in the clinic or in the day hospital. The frequency will be daily, mainly in the morning hours.
- Interpret clinical studies
- Carry out the differential diagnosis of the main internal medical conditions
- Identify diagnostic and therapeutic priorities
- Set treatment and identify therapy goals
- Recognize any treatment complications
- Educate the patient on home management of the therapy
- Judge the need for hospitalization and / or the opportunity for hospital discharge
Harrison - ''Trattato di Medicina Interna'' - Ed. Mc Graw-Hill
Cecil - ''Trattato di medicina Interna'' - Ed. Verducci
Teodori - ''Trattato di Medicina Interna'' - Ed. SEU
Bartoli - ''Medicina Interna'' - Ed. Restless Architect of Human Possibilities
Rugarli - ''Medicina Interna''