Acquisition of the fundamental clinical knowledge necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of the main endocrine-metabolic diseases.
to acquire knowledges in diagnosys and management of main infectious disease
The sector aims to scientific, teaching and training activity in the field of gastroenterology. Specific issues are: pathophysiology, diagnosis and instrumental therapy and medical management of the diseases of the digestive system, liver, biliary-pancreatic district, nutrition and digestive oncology. Objectives are also: the basic knowledge of the main endoscopic and sonographic aspects of the upper and lower digestive tract and the knowledge of integrated management of digestive diseases between gastroenterologist, surgeon and pathologist.
Complete medical records with particular regard to the near and past medical history Physical examination, ECG Internal and vascular ultrasound, therapies
Interactive discussion of clinical cases
practical activities
Practice with in and outpatients.
Complete medical records with particular regard to the pathological history of the patient admitted to the hospital or in the outpatient clinic, perform and read ECG, internal and vascular ultrasound, therapies
Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Thyroid nodule, Thyroiditis, Thyroid tumors, Secreting and non-secreting pituitary adenomas, Osteoporosis, PCOS, Adrenal insufficiency, Cushing syndrome, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetes in pregnancy, Obesity, Disorders of lipid metabolism
organomegalies in infectious diseases
pulmonary findings in infectious pneumoniae
neurologic symptoms and signs in menigitis or encephalitis
interpretation of bioumoural and serological exams
Practical tests of semiotics and ultrasound scans Discussions on differential diagnoses and therapies
1. Uniendo. Lenzi A., Lombardi G., Martino E., Vigneri R. Endocrinologia Clinica, Minerva Medica. 2011. ISBN13978-88-7711-693-2.
2. Malattie del Sistema Endocrino e del Metabolismo 5/ed. Faglia Giovanni, Beck-Peccoz Paolo. McGraw Hill Education. 2013. ISBN 9788838639753.
3. Endocrinologia e malattie del metabolismo. Colao AM, Giugliano D., Riccardi R. Idelson-Gnocchi Editore. 2014. ISBN 9788879475778.
4. Guida allo studio dell’Andrologia. Lenzi A. Società Editrice Universo. ISBN 2012, 9788865150689.
Texts for consultation:
1. Greenspan’s Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, Lange Medical Publications, Mc Graw Hill
2. William’s Textbook of Endocrinology, Saunders Company, Elsevier Science
Manuale di malattie infettive: Gaeta & Borgia
Manuale di Gastroenterologia, UNIGASTRO, Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana, edizione 2019-21
Harrison : Medicina Interna