The frontal teaching will be aimed at acquiring the skills for the compilation of the medical record; to collect the anamnesis correctly; to interpret the biological functions and symptoms (sleep, thirst, hunger, diuresis, urination, alvo, vomiting, hiccups, sneezing, cough, dyspnea, sigh, yawn, cardiopalmus and palpitations, libido and sexual activity, asthenia, anxiety and anxiety, vertigo, itching, pain, headache). Particular emphasis will be given to the methods of carrying out the general objective examination, through the evaluation of: temperature, facies, decubitus, standing and walking, psyche and sensory, general somatic conformation, degree of sexual differentiation, state of nutrition, state of hydration and electrolyte balance, edema, state of bleeding, cyanosis, acid-base balance, skin pigmentation, jaundice, presence of dermatoses of internalistic interest, infectious rash, skin appendages, lymph glandular apparatus, skeletal, articular and muscular apparatus, nervous system. The course will also address the methods for performing the physical examination of the various organs and systems in order to provide the student with the basis for a correct interpretation of the conditions of normality and pathology.
Frontal lessons.
Practical exercises in small groups (professional activity)
1. The anamnesis
2. The objective examination: purpose, basic methods: the techniques
3. The skin: general considerations; physical examination; description of skin lesions; clinical pathological correlations.
4. Head and neck: general considerations; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations.
5. Oral cavity and pharynx: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations.
6. The thorax and the mediastinum: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
7. The heart: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; heart murmurs; clinical pathological correlations; basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
8. The peripheral vascular system: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
9. The abdomen: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
10. The kidney: review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
11. The liver: review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
12. The endocrine-metabolic system: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
13. The musculoskeletal system: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
14. The nervous system: general considerations; review of specific symptoms; physical examination; clinical pathological correlations, basic instrumental and laboratory tests.
15. The diagnostic reasoning in the clinical diagnosis
16. The medical record
17. Signs and symptoms of deficiency states (malnutrition, anemia)
18. Pain
19. Changes in body temperature; types of fever and clinical-pathological correlations.
20. Clinical-instrumental approach to the emo-lymphopoeic apparatus
- Il Rasario. Semeiotica Medica, Ed. Idelson Gnocchi
- Lenzi-Caniggia, Manuale di Semeiotica Medica
- Dioguardi N, Sanna G. P., Moderni aspetti di Semeiotica Medica, V ed., UNIVERSO
- Fradà G, Semeiotica Medica nell'adulto e nell'anziano. Piccin