Provide the foundation for understanding the morphological organization and the functional properties of the respiratory, digestive, urogenital and endocrine systems.
The course will provide students the necessary knowledges to understand the functional complexity of the nervous system.
The specific objectives of this module include comprehension of central and peripheral nervous system organization, structure of the nerves and their course, organization of the main sensory and motor pathways, structure of the eye and ear
5 CFU (35 h) of classroom theoretical lessons
General morphology of the human body
Study criteria and Topographic Anatomy Systematics. Terminology anatomo-clinica. Functional characteristics and constituent bodies of the apparatus and systems of the human body. Solid organs and hollow organs. Topographical organization of the human body. Topographic anatomy. Limits and constitution of the regions of the neck, chest and abdomen.
Premise: Of each organ, the student must learn the following features:
• Shape with faces, edges, poles, etc..
• Volume and dimensions
• Weight
• Surface
• Color
• Consistency
• Position
• Means of fixity
• Reports
• Vascularization blood, lymph and nerve supply
• Internal configuration for hollow organs
• Appearance of the section for the full organs
• Structure microscopy: Optical and Electronic
Digestive System
Work on the development of the digestive system. Buccal cavity proper and the vestibule of the mouth; milk teeth and permanent teeth, tongue, major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) and minor. Tonsils. Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum and intestine mesenteric), large intestine (cecum, colon and rectum); liver and pancreas. Retrocavity of the peritoneum and omentum.
Respiratory system
Work on the development of the respiratory system. Internal and external nose, larynx (cartilages, muscles and ligaments, internal layout), trachea, main bronchi and their ramifications, lungs. Pleura.
Work on the development dell'apparto urinary tract. Kidneys, urinary tract urine (chalices, pelvis, ureter). Bladder, urethra male and female.
Male genital system
Work on the development of the male genitalia. Testes, sperm ducts (straight tubules, rete testis, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts), male genital glands adjoining the urethra (prostate, bulbo - urethral). General information on the scrotum and on the wrappers of the testis, general information about the penis.
Female genital system
Work on the development of the female genitalia. Ovary, uterus and uterine horns. General information on the vagina and on the pudendal female.
Morphology of the perineum.
Endocrine System
Thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, the islets of Langerhans; endocrine component of the male and female gonads.
Anatomia Umana G. Anastasi et al., Edi-Ermes, Milano (3 vol).
Anatomia del Gray - Le basi anatomiche per la pratica clinica, Elsevier Masson
Atlante Virtual Campus G. Anastasi, Ediermes. (3 Vol).
Atlante di Anatomia Umana Sobotta, R. Putz, R. Pabst – Elsevier Masson (3 vol.)
Atlante di Anatomia Umana Frank H. Netter – Masson (1 volume)
Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Prometheus, Edises.
Anastasi et al. - Trattato di Anantomia Umana- Ediermes
Standring-Anatomia del Gray, le basi anatomiche per la pratica clinica- EDRA