2 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The student must be able to distinguish the characteristics of health and oral pathologies and the risk conditions of patients in adult and pediatric age in the odontostomatology, and surgical of the patient in odontostomatology. Reaching and obtaining the optimal skills in diagnosis, and surgical therapy of mucous and bone pathologies of the oro-maxillofacial district.

The aim is also to have the student acquire the ability to possess knowledge of dental prevention techniques and systems in the surgical field and gain mastery in their application. The student must acquire the theoretical knowledge, the common practical skills of oral surgery.

At the end of the course, the student will be prepared to recognize, deal with and solve simple and complex cases of simple and complex oral extraction surgery. In particular, the student will be able to manage surgical and traumatological urgencies and their treatment; recognize and appropriately use the main simple and complex dental extraction techniques; to surgically elevate a flap, to be able to recognize the surgical and micro-surgical instruments to recognize and properly use the biomedals in oral surgery; learn about various suture methods in oral surgery; manage surgical emergencies; plan and organize simple oral surgery; coordinating an assistant in the chair to carry out oral surgery. The student will be able to diagnose the main oral dental pathologies. Finally, the student will be able to perform small oral surgery and small biopsies in loco-regional anesthesia.

The skills acquired will lead the student to develop a critical capacity on the topics covered using the skills in an active way for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the surgical management of the patient in odontostomatology.

Course Structure

Theoretical-practical internship, interactive exercises and any specific seminars integrated by discussion of the topics dealt with in order to train students in a critical capacity on the topics and allow to acquire a suitable knowledge for surgical management in the patient suffering from specific pathologies of the oro-maxillo facial district.

Detailed Course Content

Surgical management with knowledge of guidelines, operating protocols related to oral surgery in odontostomatology.

In particular:

Textbook Information

Testi di riferimento a libera scelta dello studente e principali articoli scientifici della più recente letteratura

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