L-FIL-LET/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

A. Reference tools for the study of the Greek language (1 ECTS);

B. History of classical studies (1 ECTS);

C. Principles of Greek philology (1 ECTS);

D. Reading of Greek texts in original language (2 ECTS);

E. Reading and commenting of passages of authors which present textual or exegetical problems (1 ECTS).

Textbook Information

A. Reference tools for the study of the Greek language (1 ECTS):


- G. Bolognesi - B. Zucchelli, Profilo storico-critico degli studi linguistici greci, in Introduzione allo studio della cultura classica, vol. 3, Milano, Marzorati, 1974, pp. 359-363, 379-390,410-419 e 432-440.

B. History of classical studies (1 ECTS):


- L. Lehnus, Appunti di storia degli studi classici, Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata, Milano, CUEM, 2007, pp. 1-127.

C. Principles of Greek philology (1 ECTS):


- M. Scialuga, Introduzione allo studio della filologia classica, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2003, pp. 1-136.

D. Reading of Greek texts in original language (2 ECTS):

- Xenophon, Anabasis, 7.6.4-38 (S. Sciuto, Senofonte. Il libro VII dell’Anabasi, Torino, SEI, 1928, pp. 93-106);

- Herondas, Mimiambs 5 and 7 (Q. Cataudella, Eroda, I Mimiambi, Milano, Istituto editoriale italiano, 1968, pp. 68-78; 100-116).

E. Reading and commenting of passages of authors which present textual or exegetical problems (1 ECTS):

- R. Ferri, Vulgar Latin in the bilingual glossaries: the unpublished Hermeneumata Celtis and their contribution, in F. Biville - M.-K. Lhommé - D. Vallat (edd.), Latin vulgaire - latin tardif IX, Lyon 2012, pp. 754-763.

- V. Ortoleva, The meaning and etymology of the adjective apiosus, in B. Maire (ed.),‘Greek’ and ‘Roman’ in Latin Medical Texts, Studies in Cultural Change and Exchange in Ancient Medicine, Leiden 2014, pp. 257-288.

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