SECS-P/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: The course aims at presenting the modern economic models about regional economics. The course aims to provide the main tools for analyzing spatial economics with reference to the economic theory as well as the economic policies. Applied models to the externalities generated by transport are treated.

Applying knowledge and understanding: The student has to be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to analyse specific statistics data, official documents and case studies. He/She has to understand economic phenomena that can promote regional economic processes of economic development, in different social, geographical, technological and demographic conditions.

Making judgements: the student will be able to understand the evolution of theoretical approaches in regional economics through the evolution of the concept of space: from physical space, which characterizes location theory, to uniform space (typical of neoclassical and Keynesian approaches ) to diversified-relational space (embedded in local districts and milieu approaches, as well as in the theory of learning regions) to diversified stylised space (as exemplified by the new economic geography and dynamic neoclassical approaches). The issue of negative externalities of transport and policies to contain them is also studied.

Communication skills: during the course the student has to improve and develop the knowledge of a technical and economic language to use in an appropriate way as an useful instrument of communication.

Learning skills: the student will be able to understand which theoretical concept is appropriate to deal with specific cases. Verification of the learning skills is carried out both during the course (lectures, exercises) and in the final written test.

Course Structure

The course is taught in Italian. Lectures and exercises using slides and other teaching materials will be available on the site Studium during the course.

Detailed Course Content

* Introduction

Text 1: introduction

*1. Agglomeration and Location

Text 1: cap 1

*2. Accessibility and Location

Text 1: cap 2

*3. Territorial Competitiveness and Exogenous Development

Text 1: cap 7

*4. Territorial Competitiveness and Endogenous Development: Agglomeration Economies

Text 1: cap 8

*5. Territorial Competitiveness and Endogenous Development: Innovation and Proximity

Text 1: cap 9

*6 The New Economic Geography

Taxt 1: cap 10 (pagg.346-358)

*7. Territorial Competitiveness and Endogenous Growth

Text 1: cap 11

*8 Movement, transport e location

Text 2: cap. 3

*9 The External costs of transport

Text 2: cap. 6

*10 Containing the environmental costs of transport

Text 2: cap. 8

*11 Transport and development

Text 2: cap. 13

*12 Two (2) paper from the e-book: "Investimenti, innovazione e nuove strategie di impresa: quale ruolo per la nuova politica industriale e regionale?"

Testo 3

* the main topics mandatory to succeed in the exam. The course is tought in Italian.

Textbook Information

1. Capello Roberta – Economia Regionale, seconda edizione – Il Mulino, 2015:

Cap.: Introduzione, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

2. Button Kenneth – Transport Economics, 3rd edition, Edward Elgar 2010.

Cap.: 3, 6, 8, 13.

3. Cappellin R., Baravelli M., Bellandi M., Camagni R., Capasso S., Ciciotti E., Marelli E. (eds.) (2017), Investimenti, innovazione e nuove strategie di impresa: quale ruolo per la nuova politica industriale e regionale? Milano: Egea.

Available in the Section "Pubblication" to the link: https://economia.uniroma2.it/dmd/crescita-investimenti-e-territorio/

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