IUS/04 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to ensure that the student learns the material to an institutional level, but in a conscious way to enable it to solve concrete problems of interpretation.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: The student reflects on the provision of the law and the established interpretations , even going up to the economic and social function of the rules.

3. Making judgments: The student will be able to assess practical cases .

4. Communication skills: The student will be able to communicate to both specialist and non-specialist clearly enough the conclusions reached

5. Learning skills: Lectures, combined with the study of the text , will enable good learning levels .

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

MODULE (3 credits)

Program description: The entrepreneurs. The business register. The company. Competition. The employer's auxiliary. collective and social enterprise venture. Society in general. The simple society. The general partnership. The limited partnership.

Reference documents :

AULETTA-SALANITRO, Diritto Commerciale, §§ da 6 a 24, e da 36 a 44.

And also:

AA.VV., Manuale di Diritto Commerciale, a cura di Cian, §§ da 31 a 37.


MODULE II (3 credits)

Program Description: The joint stock company. Companies with shares listed on regulated markets. The limited liability company. The company limited by shares. Liquidation. Transformation. Merger. Demerger. Companies among professionals. Cooperative societies. The association in participation.

Reference documents :

AA.VV., Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di Cian, §§ da 38 a 65, e 72.


MODULE III (3 credits)

Program Description:Le bankruptcy proceedings. The failure. Filing for bankruptcy. The failure of the organs. The apprehension of failing businesses. Administrative expenses. The enterprise for the period. The effects of bankruptcy. The liquidation and distribution of assets. The cessation of the failure. The failure of the company. The forced liquidation. The special administration of large insolvent firms. The arrangement with creditors and restructuring agreements.

Reference documents :

AULETTA-SALANITRO, Diritto Commerciale, §§ da 304 a 377.

NB: For a more thorough understanding of dirittto of society, the student can use as an alternative to the study of people and corporations :
G.F. CAMPOBASSO, Diritto commerciale, 2, Diritto delle società, UTET - 9° EDIZIONE

Textbook Information

1. G. AULETTA - N. SALANITRO, Diritto Commerciale, a cura di A. MIRONE, Giuffrè, ultima edizione disponibile (attualmente, 2015).

And also:

2. AA.VV., Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di M. CIAN, vol. II, Giappichelli, ultima edizione disponibile (attualmente, 2016)

NB : You must have knowledge of the current legislative text : it is advisable to consult updated legislative collection (ad es., De Nova, Codice civile e leggi collegate, ultima edizione).

NB: For a more thorough understanding of dirittto of society, the student can use as an alternative to the study of people and corporations :
G.F. CAMPOBASSO, Diritto commerciale, 2, Diritto delle società, UTET - 9° EDIZIONE

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