GEO/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at providing students with the techniques of calcareous microfossils biostratigraphy (based on nannofossils and foraminifers). Therefore, at the end of the course the student will:

a) acquire the basic principles of biostratigraphy, also in relation to chronostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, and to know and identify the different types of biozone and bioevent;

b) know how to reconstruct a stratigraphic log (even on the field or from cores) and to carry out a biostratigraphic sampling;

c) be familiar with the main biostratigraphy schemes, based on nannofossils and foraminifera, applicable in both oceanic areas and Mediterranean, with particular reference to the Neogene-Quaternary time interval;

d) acquire methods of sample preparation for optical microscopic analysis for both nannofossils and foraminifers;

e) acquire sample preparation methods for SEM analysis of nannofossils and foraminifers;

f) recognize the main nannofossil and foraminifera taxa, useful for the stratigraphy of Neogenic and Quaternary sediments.

g) write a bio-chronostratigraphic report.

Detailed Course Content

Micropaleontological Stratigraphy, Lectures: 4 CFU (28 hours)

Part I: Introduction

Definition and Purposes of Micropaleontological Stratigraphy. Principles of biostratigraphy; concept of “index fossil” and Homotaxy; stratigraphic correlation. Types of bio-horizon and their identification. Biostratigraphic schemes. Integrated biostratigraphy. Methods of qualitative and quantitative biostratigraphic analyses. Correlation between biostratigraphy, Geologic Time Scale (GTS) and Geo-Polarity Time Scale (GPTS).

Part II: Foraminifers

General information on foraminifers. Use of foraminifers in stratigraphy. Use of foraminifera for paleoenvironmental and paleoecological reconstructions.

Part III: Nannofossil

Generalities on calcareous nannofossils. Use of nannofossils in stratigraphy. Use of calcareous nannofossil for paleoenvironmental and paleoecological reconstructions.

Micropaleontological Stratigraphy, Laboratory: 2 CFU (24 hours)

Textbook Information

1) PERCH-NIELSEN K. (1985) - Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils. In: H.M. BOLLI, J.B. SAUNDERS, & K. PERCH-NIELSEN. (Eds.): “Plankton Stratigraphy”. Cambridge University Press, 427-554.

2) BOLLI H.M. & SAUNDERS J.B. (1985) - Oligocene to Holocene low latitude planktic foraminifera. In: H.M. BOLLI, J.B. SAUNDERS, & K. PERCH-NIELSEN. (Eds.): “Plankton Stratigraphy”. Cambridge University Press, 155-262.

3) IACCARINO S. (1985) – Mediterranean Miocene and Pliocene planktic foraminifera. In: H.M. BOLLI, J.B. SAUNDERS, & K. PERCH-NIELSEN. (Eds.): “Plankton Stratigraphy”. Cambridge University Press, 283-314.

4) CITA M.B. Guida allo studio delle micropaleontologia. Milano, La Goliardica.

5) IACCARINO S. & PEMOLI SILVA I. Practical Manual of Oligocene to Middle Miocene Planktonic Foraminifera.

6) IACCARINO S. & PEMOLI SILVA I. Practical Manual of Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera.

7) MCGOWRAN B. Biostratigraphy. Microfossil and Geological Time. Cambridge University Press

8) AUBRY M.P. Handbook of calcareous nannofossils, (vol. 1-5).

9) BOWN P.R. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. Kluwer Academic Press.

10) Lecture notes provided by the teachers during the course.

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