GEO/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Course Structure

ntroduction to the course, definition and importance of Applied Geology

Part I - Geognostic surveys and drilling

Geological-technical exploration of the subsoil. Mechanical probing: percussion, rotation and roto-percussion drilling systems. Core drilling and main types of core barrels. Samples for geotechnical characterization and main types of samplers. Calculation of coring percentage and RQD. Liturgical and stratigraphic recognition and construction site report.

Part II - Notions of hydrogeology

Water distribution on the planet; Water cycle; Calculation of the hydrological and hydrogeological balance; Hydrological and hydrogeological basin; Types of water in the subsoil; Aquifer and aquifer; Porous and fractured aquifers; Free and confined aquifers; Total and effective porosity; permeability; Types of permeability; Darcy's law and its limitations; piezometry; Source classification; study of a source; Maillet equation; Source collection works; Construction phases of a water well; Flow test.

Part III - Characterization of the soils with laboratory tests

Main physical and mechanical characteristics of soils. Morh-Coulomb rupture criterion; Laboratory tests for the characterization of the soils: granulometric analysis, Atterberg limits, AASHO test, simple shear test, triaxial test, edometric test. Permeability tests with permeameter at constant and variable load.

Part IV - Characterization of the land with in situ tests

Methods for estimating in situ geotechnical properties. Static and dynamic penetrometric tests (CPT and SPT); Scissometric test (VT) Density test in situ; Load test on plate; Lugeon and Lefranc permeability tests.

Part IV - Foundations

Study of foundations, soil-structure interactions. Indications on the significant volume of the subsoil; Types of surface foundations: plinths, beams and stalls; Types of deep foundations.

Part V - Notes on major works

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the course, definition and importance of Applied Geology. Geological-technical exploration of the subsoil. Mechanical probing: percussion, rotation and roto-percussion drilling systems. 1
Core drilling and main types of core barrels. Samples for geotechnical characterization and main types of samplers. Calculation of coring percentage and RQD. Liturgical and stratigraphic recognition and construction site report 1
Water distribution on the planet; Water cycle; Calculation of the hydrological and hydrogeological balance; Hydrological and hydrogeological basin; shallow and deep watershed; evaluation of precipitation, real evapotranspiration, runoff and effective infiltration, 2
Source classification; Source collection works; study of a Maillet source equation. Piezometry: realization; cone of depression; static and dynamic level; Darcy's law: applications and limitations; piezometry 2, 3
Construction phases of a water well. Perforation, conditioning and purging. Flow test, calculation of critical flow, effective well efficiency and pressure drops 2, 3
Main physical and mechanical characteristics of soils. Morh-Coulomb rupture criterion; Laboratory tests for soil characterization: grain size analysis, Atterberg limits, AASHO test, Simple shear test, triaxial test, edometric test 4
Methods for estimating in situ geotechnical properties. Static and dynamic penetrometric tests (CPT and SPT); Scissometric test (VT) Study of foundations, soil-structure interactions. Indications on the significant volume of the subsoil; Types of surface foundations: plinths, beams and stalls; Types of deep foundations 1.4
Types and geological problems related to road construction. Types of trenches in trenches, raised and half coast. Well points. Geological problems in the construction of roads on the plain 1,3
Type of road in viaduct Railway track Airport runway Galleries: parts of a tunnel. Excavation method. Hydrogeological, gas, and stability issues Dams: types and parts of a dam. Construction methods. Stability and hydrogeological problems. silting

Textbook Information

  1. Il rilevamento geologico, Città Studi Edizioni, Scesi L. & Papini M
  2. Prospezioni idrogeologiche Vol. I e II – P. Celico – Liguori Ed.
  3. Geologia Tecnica, ISEDI, Ippolito, Nicotera, Lucini, Civita, de Riso
  4. Geotecnica, Lancellotta, Zanichelli

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