GEO/08 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester
Teaching Staff
Detailed Course Content
- Cosmochemistry
- Structure and composition of the Earth
- Geochemistry of natural melts
- Trace element geochemistry
- Gas geochemistry
- Fundamentals of isotope geochemistry
Textbook Information
- Albarede (2003). Geochemistry – An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 262 pp.
- Faure (1986). Principles of Isotope Geology (2nd Ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 589 pp.
- Longinelli e Deganello (1999). Introduzione alla Geochimica. UTET, 460 pp.
- McSween e Huss (2010). Cosmochemistry. Cambridge University Press, 549 pp.
- Ottonello (1991). Principi di Geochimica. Zanichelli, 722 pp.
- Rollinson (1993). Using Geochemical Data. Longaman, 352 pp.
- White (2013). Geochemistry. Wiley-Blackwell, 660 pp.
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