L-LIN/03 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

Presentation and analysis of different types of literary and artistic genres on diachronic and synchronic levels. Pick out the evident and hidden dynamics on the construction of the text through a variety of different methods. (Especially aesthetic and translating approaches)

Textbook Information

A 2 CFU Arts and writing in the Nineteenth century

In–depth analysis of the historical, cultural and artistic-literary movements of the XIX and XX and the extrême contemporain in a comparative perspective.


Daniel Bergez, Littérature et peinture, Paris, Colin, 2009.

Théophile Gautier en Italie, (sous la direction de Giovanna Bellati), Roma Aracne, 2011.


We recommend: H. Mitterand , Littérature. Textes et Documents, Paris, Nathan; Lagarde et Michard, Les grands auteurs français, Paris, Bordas; Brunel-Bellenger, Histoire de la littérature française, Paris, Bordas.

(Dossier with a selection of textes and documents)


B 2CFU Contemporary francophone theatre between Arts and Cinema



Wajdi Mouawad, Seuls, Arles, Actes Sud, 2008

Waidi Mouawad, Incendies, Montréal, Lémeac, 2009.

Wajdi Mouawad, Incendies, étude critique par François Coissard, Paris, Champion, 2014.

Denis Villeneuve, Incendies, version cinématographique, 2010


C 2CFU Translating images

Albert Samain, Emile Verhaeren, Paul-Jean Toulet nelle versioni di Gesualo Bufalino

Testi: Le voleur de feu, Bufalino e le ragioni del tradurre, Firenze, Olschki, 2005 (pp.97-146)

I carnets di traduzione poetica, un inedito di Gesualdo Bufalino, Acireale, Bonanno, 2010, pp. 189-206/255-281

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