BOTANY - channel 2

BIO/02 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The main objective of the course is to provide a clear and structured view of plant diversity, and methods used in the recognition of taxa of different taxonomic ranks.

Course Structure

Botany: An Introduction

The Molecular Composition of Plant Cells

The Plant Cell and the Cell Cycle


The Process of Evolution

Systematics: The Science of Biological Diversity



Protists: Algae and Heterotrophic Protists


Seedless Vascular Plants (Pteridophytes)


Introduction to the Angiosperms

Evolution of the Angiosperms

Plants and People

Detailed Course Content

Lessons; Laboratories; practical experience in the field.

Textbook Information

  1. Ray F Evert & Susan E Eichhorn 2013. Biologia delle piante di Raven. Zanichelli
  2. Gabriella Pasqua, Giovanna Abbate, Cinzia Forni 2019. Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale. Piccin.
  3. Mauseth JD 2019. Botanica. Fondamenti di biologia delle piante. Idelson-Gnocchi

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