MED/48 - 13 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Internship activities are aimed at getting the student to acquire specific skills of professional interest. The internship can also be carried out at a Presidio Medical Directorate, a Quality/Accreditation Office or a Communication Office
Identify, design, and evaluate coordinator competency processes within the organizational context.
Identify its internal and external interfaces to its Operations/Service Unit.
Identify methods and tools used by the coordinator in the budget management of Operational/Service Unit, in the management of the IT/information system, with a focus on the management of human resources related to him.
Collaborate on the planning of shiftwork taking into account the objectives of the service, contractual legislation, work well-being, levels of competence and professional experience of staff and the quality and safety of performance.
Collaborate on the assessment of your team's ongoing education needs.
Participate in coordination and decision-making meetings.

Course Structure

The practical internship activity is usually articulated in relation to the academic calendar. The relevant implementing provisions are the responsibility of the Educational Director of The Training Activities of Internship, as responsible for the planning and organization of the activity, in collaboration with the professional tutors, who develop the annual internship training project and propose it to the approval of the Board of Course.
Internship supervision is guaranteed by a tutoring system and a constant evaluation of the student's learning in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the training process itself.
If the student does not meet the training objectives for that internship cycle resulting in a negative assessment, he has an obligation to repeat the experience at the same Operating Unit or related area.
Internship activities are aimed at getting the student to acquire specific skills of professional interest.
The internship can also be carried out at a Presidio Medical Directorate, a Quality/Accreditation Office or a Communications Office.

Detailed Course Content

Identify and describe the organizational and management processes of the health professions carried out by the service using also the skills possessed by:
Organization and corporate management
Enterprise Organization in Healthcare
Understand the organization of health services and the management of human and technological resources also in relation to the other levels of the organization (identify the methodologies and management tools used; identify organizational problems, Improvement actions, identifying the objectives and strategies appropriate to solving problems, prioritising them and identifying action actors) while also using the skills possessed by:
Methodology of communication

Textbook Information

Organization and corporate management
Enterprise Organization in Healthcare

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