Know the causes of illness and their different nature: chemical, physical, biological (Etiology); know the different ways in which these causes bring damage to the organism (Pathogenesis); identify the organism's own defense mechanisms by studying the physiology of the Immune system and its functioning anomalies (Immunology and Immunopathology). The course will develop from the molecular level to higher grades of organization (cell, tissue, organ, apparatus, organism)
At the end of the course the student will know the organization of the immune system, the main cells that compose it and the mediators through which the immune defences implement their action against etiologic agents. It will also know the pathology on an immune basis so as to be able to correctly perform and interpret laboratory tests for the study of the immune system and of the related pathological phenomena.
Knowledge of the principles of immunological techniques for application in quantitative and diagnostic analyzes
Frontal lesson
Lectures with the teacher with audio-visual support and slides that will be provided to students
Lectures with the teacher with audio-visual support and slides that will be provided to students
- Immune system: innate immunity, acquired (mediated and humoral cell)
- Antibodies and antigen-antibody reaction
- Lymphocytes and their subpopulations
- Cytokines and other mediators of the immune response
- The immune system and tumors
- Pathologies of immunological origin
- Hypersensitivity
- Autoimmunity
- Antigen-antibody reaction
- Monoclonal antibodies and their use in the laboratory
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
- Immunofluorescence
- Cytofluorimetry
- Cell Functional Assays in the Laboratory
Immunopatologia – Biologia e Patologia del Sistema Immunitario – J.R. Regueiro González, C. López Larrea, S. González Rodríguez, E Martinez Naves – Piccin Editore
Immunopatologia – Biologia e Patologia del Sistema Immunitario – J.R. Regueiro González, C. López Larrea, S. González Rodríguez, E Martinez Naves – Piccin Editore