The course will provide basic elements to let the student be able to describe individual and population based biological events through syntetic indeces. Moreover, the student should be able to identify and use elementary metodologies of analysis of numerical data
The objectives of this module are focused on learning and the conception of the logic that regulates basic computing, elaboration data, structure, classification and typology of networks.
Classroom lecturers using blackboard and tracing papers
1. Measurers: numerical, ordinal and nominal
2. Descriptive measurers: central tendency and variability
3. Probability and Bayes Theorem
4. Probability distributions: binomial, Poisson and gaussian
5. Hypothesis tests and their meaning
6. Epidemiology: sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, incidence and prevalence rates
• Information processing systems;
• Hardware, software and their stratification;
• Operating Systems: fundamental functions and their evolutions;
• Bits, Bytes and numbers connected to them;
• Database;
• Classification, Type and Network Levels;
• E-mail & Protocol;
J. Fowler, P. Jarvis, M. Chevannes "Statistica per le professioni sanitarie" Ed. EdiSES
Other elementary statistic texbooks
Teaching Handouts