L-OR/21 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is designed to provide a satisfactory and thorough knowledge of the cultural production in China, in the field of poetry, art and music, from the end of the Cultural Revolution to the beginning of the 21st century.

Course Structure

The course will alternate frontal and interactive lessons integrating multimedia materials.

Detailed Course Content

1) Art and culture in China: definition and mission (Yan'an talks and analysis of the film East is Red)

8) The Stars group, the Democracy Wall and the first artistic avant-garde in China.

9) The "New Wave documentary movement" and analysis of Wu Wenguang's work from 1989 up to now 10) Bumming projection in Beijing (1991) and Dancing With Farm Workers (2001)

11) Documentary aesthetics and realism in the Chinese directors of the sixth generation

12) Cui Jian and Chinese rock between parody and alienation 13) Projection and discussion on Beijing Bastards (1993) by Zhang Yuan

14) Evolution of Zhang Yuan's work and the case of East Palace West Palace, the first film to explicitly treat homosexuality in China 15) Chinese TV series and the great success of A Beijinger in New York (1993)

16) From rags to riches: the East Village and the ascending parable of Beijing artists​

17) Chinese contemporary theatre: an overview and its protagonists

18) Mou Sen e Meng Jinghui: projection of Chicken Poets

19) Xu Bing's artistic practice and the non-existing characters of the 天书, "Ghost Pounding the Wall" and "English calligraphy"

20) Cai Quoqiang, an "international" Chinese artist: gunpowder and the "Chinese symbol"

21) History of Chinese photography part I 22) History of Chinese photography part II

23) A historical overveiw of Chinese media art: evolution and protagonists 24) Chinese videoart and the 八零后 balinghou generation: some cases-study

25) Grassroot information from the web and returning to the web: the video-inquiry Under the Dome (2015) by Chai Jing 26) Projection of the documentary Behemot (2015) by Zhao Liang

27) Hong Kong Film and the "culture of disappearance" as emerged before the handover (1997)

Textbook Information

  1. C. Pozzana A. Russo, Nuovi Poeti Cinesi, Einaudi, 1997
  2. G. Barmè, J. Minford, Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Coscience, Hill & Wang, 1988.
  3. G. Barmè, In the Red, On Contemporary Chinese Culture, Columbie University Press, 1999.
  4. C. Berry, L. Xinyu, and L. Rofel, The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement, Hong Kong University Press, 2010.
  5. D. Jones, F. Salviati, M. Costantino, Arte Contemporanea Cinese, Electa, 2006
  6. Y. Xiao, China in the Mix: Cinema, Sound, and Popular Culture in the Age of Globalization, University Press of Mississippi, 2017

Lecture notes and various materials provided by the Professor.

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