L-LIN/12 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to begin to produce their own original research paper. Both the technical abilities of academic writing (esercitazioni linguistiche) together with the theoretical and methodological approaches required will be offered. At the end of the course the final exam will consist in the writing of a research paper which will subsequently be evaluated and discussed during the final oral exam.

Course Structure

The course is divided into two main parts: the first deals with writing a 'critique', that is, an evaluation of a piece of academic writing. The skills acquired will then aid in the student's own research paper writing as well as providing the essential tools for analysing an academic text. The second module on CDA and MA will provide the topic the students will be asked to write about in their “in-course test”.

Detailed Course Content

Module 1: Academic writing

An approach to Academic writing;
Types of Academic texts;
Linguistic features and Structures;
How to write a summary;
How to write a critique;
How to write a research paper (abstract, introduction and bibliography)

Module 2. The language of the news

Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodal Analysis approaches
How meaning is created: Language and visual grammar as a set of choices

9. Representing People

10 Representing Action

11 Persuading with abstraction: Rhetoric and metaphor

12 Commiting and evading: Truth, modality and hedging

Textbook Information

Foundation course

Simon Haines, Proficiency Masterclass, Oxford, Oxford University Press;

J. Swales, & M. Feak,, Academic Writing for Graduate Students, 3a edizione: Essential Tasks and Skills, University of Michigan Press/ELT, 2012 (3a edizione).


Monographic course

D Machin, and A. Mayr How to do Critical Discourse Analysis, Sage, London 2012.

D. Machin, Introduction to Multimodal Analysis, Bloomsbury, London 2007.












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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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