L-LIN/10 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This course intends to 1) present students with the historical-literary trends, as well as the most significant authors of XIX-XX century Britain; 2) critically work on the peculiar aspects of literary genres; 3) consolidate the students’ use of text analysis and appreciation tools.

Course Structure

Divided into two modules, both the course and the syllabus will be in Italian and English.

Module A, (7 ECTS), is centred both on the evolutionary phases and the most representative figures of Romantic, Modern and contemporary literature. The texts that will be analyzed in class will reinforce the students’ use of stylistic and critical appreciation tools.

The materials that will be used in class, including the chosen extracts and bibliographical references, will be immediately made available through STUDIUM, for those students who will not attend classes.

Module B, (2 ECTS), is centred on the Importance of Irish Culture and Identity before and after the Easter Rising which finally led to the independence of Ireland. Following this route through the significant literary work of leading Irish authors, who paved the way to 'Being Irish'.

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