L-LIN/07 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: To achieve competence in Spanish at B1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), focusing in particular on grammar, vocabulary, phonology and mastering the communication skills.

Applying knowledge and understanding: To provide students with basic translation tools.

Making judgement: To acquire basic knowledge in Spanish at B1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and manage basic translation strategies.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and exercices with the native language experts. Didactic materials will be made available on the University Platform STUDIUM.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

  1. One grammarbook:


  1. Ortography:

Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, Ortografía escolar de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa, 2010 (o ultima ristampa).

  1. Verbs:One of these volums


4.Vocabulary according to the starting level (beginners or not):

5. One monolingual dictionnary

6. Traduction Module



7. Required reading:

3 Novels of your choice (9 CFU) - 2 Novels of your choice (6 CFU)

9 CFU-First three episods of a Sitcom or first one episod per three different Sitcoms

6CFU-First two episods of a Sitcom or first one episod per two different Sitcoms

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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