The aim of this course is to learn the knowledge for the general mechanisms of drugs action, the principles of pharmacokinetics, the adverse effects and the more important pharmacological interactions. After completing this module, students gain understanding the main pharmacological and pharmacotherapeutic of different classes of drugs.
Provide elements of basic knowledge of the major diseases of internal medicine and clinical aspects that threaten survival.
The topics will be treated by placing special emphasis on the symptoms of major diseases by defining the elements useful for the prevention and for healthy lifestyles through the maintenance of optimal physical and mental condition.
This is a comprehensive study of the endocrine system which will allow the student to integrate and better understand the functions of the other system of the body. The pathological conditions and the diagnostic prodedures to assess the endocrine illness will be discussed.
Traditional lecture.
Lessons with presentation of clincal cases
The course takes place with frontal lessons, with the help of power point presentations. At the end of course the student take an oral exam to evaluate knowledge.
Introduction to Pharmacology.
Drugs development process.
Elements of Pharmacokinetics: absorption, ditribution, metabolism, elimination.
Elements of Pharmacodynamic and tyoes of drugs receptors.
Elements of drug abuse and addiction.
Basic knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology
The course allows to acquire skills about glandular disfunction, both hyperfunction and hypofunction deseases, and nodular pathology; the student acquires skill about diagnostic path, with clinical features, analysis laboratory and imaging exams. Furthermore during the course the student studyes pathophysiology of metabolic deseases like diabetes and obesity and its related complications .
Farmacologia per le professioni sanitare; Rossi F., CuomoV., Riccardi C., Edizione Minerva Medica
Compendium of Internal Medicine (Cecil)
1. Uniendo. Lenzi A., Lombardi G., Martino E., Vigneri R. Endocrinologia Clinica, Minerva Medica. 2011. ISBN13978-88-7711-693-2.
2. Malattie del Sistema Endocrino e del Metabolismo 5/ed. Faglia Giovanni, Beck-Peccoz Paolo. McGraw Hill Education. 2013. ISBN 9788838639753.
3. Endocrinologia e malattie del metabolismo. Colao AM, Giugliano D., Riccardi R. Idelson-Gnocchi Editore. 2014. ISBN 9788879475778.