At the end of the course the student knows the basic functional mechanisms of homeostasis of the internal medium, from the cellular level to the integrated physiology of the organs and systems - He is able to describe the basic functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems , digestive and renal and the dynamic integration of their functions for the maintenance of normal conditions of survival and health of the human organism. - He is able to evaluate the main cardio-circulatory and respiratory function parameters of subjects in normal and rest conditions.
At the end of the course the student knows the basic functional mechanisms of cellular excitability and synaptic trasmission - He is able to describe the basic functioning of muscular, nervous and endocrine systems and their dinamical integration to regulate visceral and relational organizations of human organism- He is able to evaluate the main functional parameters in relation to nervous and endocrine activities, with particular attention to the control of muscular contraction.
Frontal lessons
Frontal lessons
Functional anatomy of the heart and blood vessels.
Cardiac electrical activity. The electrocardiogram.
Mechanical cycle of the heart. The cardiac output.
The adjustment of cardiac activity.
Main structural and functional characteristics of the blood.
Principles of hemodynamics
The circulation of blood in arteries, capillaries, veins.
Circles district.
The cardiovascular adaptations to exercise
Functional anatomy of the respiratory system.
Respiratory mechanics .Spirometry.
Gas exchange and transport of respiratory gases in blood.
The regulation of respiration
Answer respiratory muscle exercise
Functional anatomy of the urinary tract.
The nephron. The glomerular ultrafiltration
Reabsorption and tubular secretion. The excretion of nitrogenous substances
The renal regulation of blood pressure, water-salt balance and acid-base balance.
Functional anatomy of the organs of the digestive system.
Oral cavity
Functions of the stomach
Intestinal secretions. Bile, pancreatic juice.
Movements and the intestinal absorption
Elimination of feces
Food and nutrition. The constituents of living matter.
Energy requirements.
Needs for protein, fat and carbohydrate.
Need for vitamins and minerals.
Regulation of food intake
Thermogenesis. the heat dispersion
Central regulation of body temperature
Responses to heat. Responses to cold
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Pituitary gland. Hypothalamic control. Thyroid. Calcium homeostasis: calcitonin and parathyroid
hormones. Adrenal gland
Gonads and reproductive system. Endocrine pancreas. Glucose homeostasis. Gastrointestinal hormones
NERVOUS SYSTEM Neuronal excitability. Membrane potential. Action potential. Propagation of the action potential.
Chemical and electrical synapses. Neurotransmitters. The neuromuscular junction
SENSITIVE FUNCTION Sensory receptors. Organization of the sensory systems. Sense of touch, pain and
temperature. The thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Physiology of vision and hearing.
MOTOR FUNCTIONS Hierarchical organization of motor systems. Spinal mechanisms of motor coordination: reflex
actions. Postural control and vestibular reflexes. The cerebellum, the basal ganglia. Organization of cortical areas
involved in voluntary movement.
HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY Behavior, consciousness and language. Memory and learning. Conditioned reflexes.
Sleep-wake cycle. The electroencephalogram.
VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The hypothalamus. The limbic system.
MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Muscle cells. The sarcomere. Main properties of muscle contraction. Energy metabolism for
muscular work. The motor units
Various Authors - FISIOLOGIA UMANA - Elementi (Eds.)- edi.ermes, Milano.
Silverthorn – FISIOLOGIA –Ambrosiana, Milano.
Fisiologia umana, Autori vari, edi ermes, 2019
Fisiologia umana, D.U Silverthorn, Pearson Italia, 2017