AGR/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with the elements of morphology, physiology and ecophysiology of herbaceous crops of greatest interest to Italian agriculture, in the current or near-future agricultural production scenario. Each crop is treated by considering:
1. Botanical framing and description of botanical characters 2. Origin and diffusion 3. Economic and agrarian importance 4. Main uses 5. Biology 6. Needs for climate, soil and food 7. Genetic characteristics and breeding 8. Characteristics of cultivated populations and varieties 9. Main crop techniques. 10. Quality characteristics and use of productions and by-products.

Course Structure

The teaching will be done through lectures, preparation of essays and presentation of the same with multimedia systems. As exercise it is expected the identification of seeds and plant parts of the studied crops.

Detailed Course Content

Main aspects of morphology, physiology and crop physiology of herbaceous crops. Economic importance of herbaceous crops in the world in Europe, Italy; Criteria for classifying herbaceous crops. Cereal crops: soft and hard wheat; barley, oats, rye; spelt; corn and sorgo; rice; Buckwheat. Leguminous crops from grain: bean, chickpea, lentil, bean, lupin, chickpea, pea, soy. Oily crops: rapeseed, sunflower, brassica carinata and other brassicacee crops. Vegetable crops: artichoke, potato, tomato. Fiber crops: flax, hemp, cottonBiomass cultures by energy (nods): annual and multi-year for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, heat and electricity. Forage crops: grasses, meadows, pastures

Textbook Information

1) Baldoni R., Giardini L.- 2000-Coltivazioni erbacee Patron Editore Bologna

2) Lecture notes, bibliographic material and online teaching material provided by the teacher

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