The course deals with the main issues dealing with a survey. Topics are treated following the logical path of the differents steps of the research analysis: problem identification, data collection, elaboration, data analysis and outcomes evaluation.
Class lectures and some exercise will be carried out together. Some speakers are going to be invited to discuss on advanced topics.
Sources of statistical information; survey models for the collection of informations from institutional sources; informational statistical systems; integrational procedures among data-bases; data tranformations; typic classification of rates, ratios, index numbers, indicators, construction techniques and complex inidicators.
Overview and introduction to data base management systems. Our data driven society today requires a proper approach to data management for social scientists. Our digital world today produces a huge amount of very detailed and large data logs that represent a new dimension for data scientists.
STAT (2011), Navigando tra le fonti demografiche e sociali, ISTAT, Roma,
Bonarini F. (2006), Guida alle fonti statistiche socio-demografiche, CLEUP, Padova, pp. 1-142; 231-308.
Cavaleri P. e Venturini F. (a cura di) (2004), Documenti e dati pubblici sul web. Guida all'informazione di fonte pubblica in rete, Il Mulino, Bologna.
D. F. Iezzi (2009), Statistica per le Scienze Sociali, Carocci, Roma (Cap. 10 e 11).
OECD (2008), Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators. Methodology and user guide.,