6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Computer skills on Microsoft Office applications - fundamental knowledge of computers and the network.
Juridical and practical skills on the application of the Digital Administration Code (CAD 3.0)

Course Structure

Introduction of the basic concepts of computer science starting from historical background. Then we focus on binary representation and conversions between various systems of numerical representation and on the encoding of digital signals in a computer. It also discusses the general architecture of modern computers and the network infrastructure along with the communication between nodes of a network.
In the second part of the course the topics of database management are introduced. We discuss data and information. The theme of Big Data is introduced.
In the third part we talk about the impact of Big Data and algorithms of Artificial Intelligence on modern society.

Detailed Course Content

Computer Skills:
Basics of the operating system
Computer hardware and software
Functionality of the most widespread applications
Activities of: - Text processor (Word); - Electronic sheet (Excel); - Presentations (PowerPoint); - Interactions in a database (Access)
Browser; Networking concepts; Digital communication; Safe use of the computer; Search for information on the web

Telematic skills:
The tools of the Cad
The document flow in the PA
The document flow between PA and the company
Digital citizenship
PA websites - transparency and open data

Textbook Information

AA.VV., “IC3 Global Standard 4 – manuale studente”, Tesi Automazione s.r.l., Catania, 2016;

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