BIO/05 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with the tools to understand:

- the role of behavior in the characterization of animal species

- the processes that govern the success of behavioral modules of animals in their environment, and their evolution over time

- how the behavior of non-human animals is comparable with that of the human species

- how the human species enters right into the animal kingdom, without having minimally impaired its image.

Course Structure

The course will be kept as a series of lessons in Italian

Detailed Course Content

The course provides the student with the basics of the study of animal behavior, starting from the first ethologists up to the latest developments, to reach the current knowledge. In particular, after a presentation of the classical themes of ethology, such as instinct and learning, genetics and behavioral evolution, the most relevant modules will be dealt with in the various behavioral spheres, from the self-protective to the alimentary, from the reproductive to the social modules.

Textbook Information

Some of these books are suggested:

1. ALCOCK, J. – 2007 - Etologia. Un approccio evolutivo – Zanichelli

2. CAMPAN, R. & SCAPINI, F. - 2005 – Etologia – Zanichelli

3. EIBL-EIBESFELDT, I. – 2001 - Etologia umana. Le basi biologiche e culturali del comportamento.- Bollati Boringhieri

4. MANNING, A. & DAWKINS, M. S.– 2015 -. Il comportamento animale – Boringhieri

5. IMMELMANN, K. – 1988 -. Introduzione all’etologia – Bollati Boringhieri

6. MAINARDI, D. (a cura di) – 1997 -. Dizionario di Etologia – Einaudi

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