BIO/02 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide the basics on standard methods for the identification of marine macroalgae. The students will acquire the knowledge for the sampling and conservation procedures of the algological material, the study techniques necessary for identification through the use of dichotomous keys. To identify the diacritical characters will acquire the main laboratory techniques for the preparation of thin sections (temporary and / or permanent), the relative coloring with contrast techniques, the techniques of decalcification and dissociation of structures as well as the observation of preparations under an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope.

Course Structure

Lectures in the classroom and in the laboratory; field exercises

Detailed Course Content

Cytological, morphological and reproductive characteristics of marine macroalgae * (Rhodophyta, Phaeophycae, Chlorophyta); Sampling procedures and methods of conservation of macroalgae (in wet, in exiccata, in silica gel, mummification); techniques for the observation of preparations under a microscope *: coloring *, decalcification *, dissociation *, thin sections, etc ...; Use of dichotomous keys and identification of diacritical characters *

Indicate with an asterisk, *, the minimum arguments that can not be renounced for passing the exam

Textbook Information

Since this is a mostly applicative discipline, the teaching material will be provided by the teacher

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