The aim of this course is to give students a perspective on the microbial diversity. In particular, The students will learn basic knowledge on the structure, metabolism and genetics of microorganisms, the
role of the factors that influence microbial growth, the principles and the methods for the cultivation and identification of microorganisms.
lessons , tutoring, laboratory activities, seminars.
History of microbiology. Contributions of microbiology to human health.
First microscopical observations; spontaneous generation theory; concept of transmissible disease,contagion, and infection: concept of immunity against transmissible disease. Microbial genetic and
molecular biology development. Precellular evolution and origin of life. Role of microrganism in human evolution. Virus discovery, first vaccines.
Bacterial cell: cell wall in gram-positive and gram-negative: peptidoglycan structure; teichoic acid, proteins and others components. Outer membrane in gram-negative bacteria: function and organization;lipopolisaccarid structure. Cytoplasmic membrane: structure and function. Fimbria and pili as adhesion structures and their antigenicity. Flagella and bacterial movement. Bacterial chromosome organization. Bacterial spore as differentiation condition in bacteria: structure, resistance to physical and chimical agents, regulation of sporulation and germination, biological and medical significance. Bacterial growth: biological significance of growth steps in liquid media; relationship between bacterial growth in vitro and pathogenesis of infections; solid and liquid culture media; isolation in pure culture. Sterilization and disinfection. Anti- infective drugs. Sterilization and disinfection: biological basis of physical agents action (dry and moist heat, filtration, ultraviolet and ionizing radiations), chemical agents(disinfectants and sterilizing substances). Genetic regulation. Positive and negative controls. Feedback. Lac operon. Tryptophan regulation. Diauxic
curve. Genetics of bacteria. Mutations. Mechanisms of bacterial transfer: Conjugation, transformation and transduction. Virus structure and classification. Bacteriofages.
Host-parasite interaction (infection, differences between infection and disease, immune response against infective agents).
Brock Biology of Microorganisms, by Michael T. Madigan, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley, W. Matthew Sattley, David A. Stahl. 15th Edition. Published by Pearson