Acquisition of basic knowledge on environmental assessment regulations with particular attention to the European "Habitat" directive; acquisition of the bio-natural skills necessary for the preparation of an environmental assessment / incidence study related to the plant component.
Acquisition of basic knowledge on the "Habitat" and "bird" directives, and of the competences necessary for the preparation of an environmental incidence study in relation to the animal component.
The teaching is based on lectures supported by presentations "Power point" containing information on the issues addressed. moreover, there will be exercises on the topics dealt with in the form of case studies and surveys in the field with the teacher
Lectures and practical exercises in the classroom
Environmental assessment: general and the relevant legislative framework. The threatened flora and red lists. The vegetation as an indicator of the state of the environment .The species and habitats of community interest. The impact assessment: guidelines. The environmental impact assessment: guidelines. The strategic environmental assessment: guidelines. Techniques for the identification of the impacts (thematic mapping, matrices). Measures to minimize the impacts. Renaturation interventions and environmental restoration. Study Cases. The vegetation mapping in environmental assessment
The directives "Habitats" and "Birds" and the conservation of biodiversity. Generalities about the evaluation of incidence and the VInca procedure. Description of the natural environment and of the project. The natural environments in the Mediterranean region. Checklist of species, of biotic communities and of most significant habitats. Species of international, national and regional red list and species authorities and of EU Directives 42/1992 and 147/2009. Protected areas (parks, natural reserves, SIC and ZPS). Techniques for the identification of the impacts of primary and sequential (graphs, checklists, thematic mapping, matrices). Measures to minimize impacts. Cases study.
1. Massimo Aleo 2012 – Valutazioni ambientali Le procedure di VAS, VIA, AIA, e VI nel governo del territorio Grafill ISBN 13 978-88-8287-464-7
2. Valutazione di piani e progetti aventi un.incidenza significativa sui siti della rete Natura 2000 - Guida metodologica alle disposizioni dell’articolo 6, paragrafi 3 e 4 della direttiva Habitat. 92/43/CEE – Commissione Europea (file pdf)
3. Informatore Botanico Italiano n 40 supplemento 1. Flora da conservare (pdf file fornito dal docente)
5. Blasi et al. 2010. Manuale italiano di interpretazione degli habitat (Direttiva 92/43 CEE) consultabile al link
- Documenti Comunità Europea 2000, La gestione dei siti della rete Natura 2000. Guida all’interpretazione dell’articolo 6 della direttiva «Habitat» 92/43/CEE;
- Documenti Comunità Europea 2002, Valutazione di piani e progetti aventi incidenza significativa sui siti della rete Natura 2000. Guida metodologica alle disposizioni dell’articolo 6, paragrafi 3 e 4 della direttiva “Habitat” 92/43/CEE;
- G. Landi, 2009 - Guida alle procedure di autorizzazione ambientale - La valutazione di impatto ambientale e la valutazione ambientale strategica. UTET, 268 pp;
- M. Aleo, 2012 – Valutazioni ambientali. Le procedure di VAS, VIA, AIA, e VI nel governo del territorio. Grafill ISBN 13 978-88-8287-464-7;
- Appunti delle lezioni