BIO/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquisition of basic knowledge of European, national and regional legislation on wildlife conservation. Concepts and principles of management and nature conservation. Knowledge of the main threats to wildlife and natural environments and habitats. Acquisition of the main methods used to wildlife monitoring aimed at environmental planning, conservation of natural resources and environmental restoration.

Course Structure

Lectures and practical exercises in the classroom

Detailed Course Content

Methodologies for the study of the fauna: list of species and ecosystemic approach - Populations in decline and in danger of extinction, endangered species on a global scale and local IUCN Red List; - Alien species; DAISIE database; arrangements, and risks of globalization fauna; - Strategies for conservation and wildlife management through the systems of protected areas and ecological networks, with particular reference to the Mediterranean area; - Reintroductions and restocking; - Models in ecological conservation strategies at global and local level; - GIS applications; - National and international legislation; - Planning and wildlife conservation.

Textbook Information

R. Primack, L. Carotenuto, 2003 - Conservazione della Natura. Zanichelli, 528 pp.
R. Massa, V. Ingegnoli, 1999 - Biodiversita, Estinzione e Conservazione. UTET, 518 pp.
F. Petretti, 2003 – Gestione della fauna. Edagricole, 370 pp.
Appunti delle lezioni

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