L-LIN/21 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course will be articulated A) in lectorate and the hours of head-on didactic (classroom) and individual (meeting) with the teacher and B) in “Language and linguistics” (theoretical reflection) and “Language” (practical application). In the first module the student will acquire a few linguistical and fundamental concepts and preliminary study of Russian. In the second it will get started the translation from L2 to L1.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Geopolitical dynamics from Soviet Union to Contemporary Russia
  2. The History of the Cyrillic Alphabet
  3. Phonetics and Phonology in Russian
  4. Russian Word-formation
  5. Russian Lexicology
  6. History and Developlment of Russian Language
  7. Russian and Slavic Languages
  8. Contemporary Russian Language
  9. Russian for special purposes: The Language of Russian Media
  10. Translation from L2 (Russian) to L1 (italian): Theory and Practice

Textbook Information

A Russian Language and Linguistic
- L. Kasatkin, L. Krysin, V. Živov, Il russo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1995.

B Russian (L2) to Italian (L1) Translation
- Шкатулочка: пособие по чтению для иностранцев, изучающих русский язык (элементарный уровень), под ред. О.Э. Чубаровой, РЯ, 2008.

NB: Other materials will be provided during classes

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