Introduction to sociological criticism as interpretation of the relationship text/context (influences of the social context on authors and works, ideological orientations involved in the text, forms of representation of the real) and as a research into the circulation of themes, genres and styles.
Lectures and seminars
The course provides a dual articulation. In the first module, it is planned to study the themes, problems and main works of the sociology of 20th-century literature. The second module focuses the nineteenth century paradigm of the novel and involves the reading of some narrative works of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
A General problems (3 ECTS).
- Gianni Turchetta, Critica, letteratura e società, Carocci, pp. 7-291.
- one book of your choice: Walter Benjamin, L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della riproducibilità tecnica, Einaudi; Walter Benjamin, Angelus Novus, Einaudi; Roland Barthes, Miti d’oggi, Einaudi; Hans Robert Jauss, Storia della letteratura come provocazione, Bollati Boringhieri; Pierre Bourdieu, Le regole dell’arte, Il Saggiatore, pp. 53-176; Paolo Jedlowski, Il racconto come dimora, Bollati Boringhieri; Dwight Macdonald, Masscult e midcult, Piano B.
B Focus (3 ECTS).
La serietà del quotidiano: il romanzo borghese
- Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, vol. II, Einaudi, pp. 220-343; Franco Moretti, Il borghese, Einaudi, pp. 1-186.
- two books of your choice: Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe; Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice; Honoré de Balzac, Père Goriot; Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary; Gustave Flaubert, L’education sentimentale; Giovanni Verga, Mastro-don Gesualdo; Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Thomas Mann, I Buddenbrook; Virginia Woolf, To the lighthouse.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.