M-FIL/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to introduce the basic notions concerning the research methods in cognitive sciences of language, exemplifying those notions in the fields of cognitive pragmatics and spontaneous reasoning. Moreover, the course aims to develop the abilities related to reading and understanding a scientific paper in English, and the abilities related to group discussion concerning cognitive-philosophical issues.

Course Structure

Lectures and discussion in the classroom.

Detailed Course Content

Basic notions concerning the research methods in cognitive sciences of language: theories and intertheoretic reduction; psychological and neuroscientific explanations; the nature of representations; computationalism etc. Cognitive pragmatics: Grice’s model; Relevance Theory; associative and inferential processes in pragmatics; automatic and controlled processes. The nature of inferences: from implicit, content-based inferences to formal inferences.

Textbook Information

E. Datteri, Che cos’è la scienza cognitiva, Roma, Carocci, 2017 (144 pagg.).

M. Mazzone, Pragmatica cognitiva e mindreading, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2016 (176 pagg.).

M. Mazzone, An associative account of inferences : the development towards the prototype, draft (13 pagg.)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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