M-FIL/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives


To offer the appropriate methodology to investigate contemporary ethics and related issues: human nature and action between modernity and contemporaneity and the redefinition of subjectivity (1 CFU).



To offer interpretative pathways of the relationship among the self, the other, and the world, on a phenomenological, ontological, and ethical ground. The aim is the analysis of the possible meanings of the self, otherness, beliefs, and values, within a context of cultural differences (4 CFU).



To outline the origin of the moral sentiments, in relation with egoism, altruism, freedom, necessity, and will. To redefine the concepts of good and evil according to the useful (1 CFU).

Course Structure

The course will analyse some key topics of contemporary ethics, by referring to the course textbooks. Pages will be read and analysed as starting points for classroom discussion, aiming at merging typical lecture style with a critical and participated lesson.

Detailed Course Content


Analysis of the malaises of the modern and contemporary society, through the phenomena of individualism, massification, and instrumental reason, and how they affected the contemporary subjectivity (1 CFU).



Phenomenological analysis of the subject, the other, and the world horizons; ontological analysis of subjectivity and objectivity; analysis of the practices of social interaction and the role of uses; ethical analysis of the relationship I-other: respect, recognition, value (4 CFU).



Analysis of the origin of the moral sentiments, according to an evolutionary interpretation of ethics: the good as the useful; the role education and habits play in the formulation of moral judgments; meaning and role of egoism and altruism; the origin of conscience (1 CFU).

Textbook Information


Charles Taylor, The Malaise of Modernity



José Ortega y Gasset, Man and People

Pietro Piovani, Principi di una filosofia della morale



Paul Rée, The Origin of Moral Sentiments, in Basic Writings


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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