M-FIL/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Historical articulation of the nexus theory-praxis in the Western philosophical tradition.

The Western concept of philosophical critique with reference to its cultural, political and historical foundations.

Detailed Course Content

The concept of freedom in some eminent stages of philosophical and/or political reflection between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Textbook Information

1. G.W.F. Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 2018.

2. G.W.F., Hegel, Outlines of the Philosophy of Right, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK) 2008.

3. F.W.J. Schelling, Philosophical Investigations into Essence of Human Freedom, State University of New York Press, Albany (NYC) 2007.

4. M. Heidegger, Schellings Treatise: On Essence Human Freedom, Ohio University Press, Athens (Ohio) 1985.

5. F. Forlin, M. Dalla Valle (a cura di), L’essenza della libertà. Guida alla lettura delle Ricerche filosofiche di F.W.J. Schelling, Mimesis, Milano 2010.


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