M-DEA/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The teaching of this core module has the aim to facilitate the acquisition of the basic elements of cultural and social anthropology; allowing the student to better understand some of the most significant phenomena about contemporary global world: memory systems and the political making of heritages, ethnic and religious conflicts, urban life, the configurations of kinship. Thus it encourages awareness of concepts such as culture, ethnicity, identity, otherness, etc.

Detailed Course Content

How positioning in the contemporary world through anthropological view

The course introduces students to anthropology of contemporary world, to address relevant questions about their own and others’ societies; the power disequalities inside and outside societies; dialogues between cultures; the reification processes of cultures; interethnic and religious conflicts. The course introduces students to anthropological analytical domains which will be analyzed with a more relevant historical and contemporary approach.

Through a particular global anthropological approach will be focus several questions about the contemporary world (the energies, the transnational mobility, the urban life, the waste production and disposal, the information’s overcharge).

Textbook Information

Fabio Dei, 2016, Antropologia culturale (seconda edizione), Il Mulino, Bologna, pagine 300;

Thomas Hylland Heriksen, 2017, Fuori controllo. Un’antropologia del cambiamento accellerato, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 218.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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