SECS-P/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To explain concepts and provide notions useful to understand the functioning of modern economies. This is an introductive course to the main economic concepts.

Detailed Course Content

1) The principles that characterize a market economy

Reference: MT15-ch1

2) Tools to understand the economy: models and graphics

Reference: MT15-ch2: pag.20-24, pag.29-38

3) Market forces of supply and demand

Reference: MT15-ch3

4) Buyers, Sellers and Market Efficiency

Reference: MT15-cap.7

5) Interdependence and benefits of the exchange

Reference: MT15-ch19

6) An Overview of International Trade

Reference: Lecturer’s handout

7) Globalization of Production

Reference: Lecturer’s handout

8) Measuring the income of a country

Reference: MT15-ch20

9) Inequality of income and poverty

Reference: MT15-ch18

10) Production and Growth

Reference: MT15-ch22

11) Savings, investment and financial system

Reference: MT15-ch24

12) Flows of international goods and capital, exchange rates

Reference: MT15-cap.28 : pag 550-556

13) The financial crisis of 2008/09, Europe’s Debt Crisis

Reference: MT15-ch37

14) Economic Institutions in Italy

Reference: Lecturer’s handout

Textbook Information

MT15: Principi di Economia, N. G. Mankiw & M. P. Taylor, 2015 (6a edizione italiana), Zanichelli.


There is a book titled “L’Essenziale di Economia” that is a short version of the book “Principi di Economia”, both are edited by N. G. Mankiw & M. P. Taylor. All chapters in “L’Essenziale” are included in ‘Principi’. “L’Essenziale” is less expensive and could be sufficient if summed with the missing chapters present in “Principi”.


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