M-FIL/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowing and comprehending the fundamental structure of semiotic processes. Acquiring a general view of different approaches.

Detailed Course Content

The different fields and schools in general and applied semiotics. Semiotic processes and communication. Comparison with the semiosis of human verbal language.

Textbook Information

G. Giuliana, Piccola guida irriverente alla semiotica (it will be uploaded on Studium at the beginning of the course).

G. Marrone, Prima lezione di semiotica, Laterza, 2018, 180 pp.

A. Cicalese, Semiotica e comunicazione, FrancoAngeli, 2004, 300 pp.

E. Campisi, Che cos’è la gestualità, Carocci, 2018, 120 pp. (replaceable by A.M. Lorusso, P. Peverini, Il racconto di Francesco, Luiss UP, 2017, 200 pp.)

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